Sharing Alumni 2021 "How to Write CV and Essay to Get Scholarship" by ILSA CHAPTER UNAIR.

Sharing Alumni 2021 "How to Write CV and Essay to Get Scholarship" by ILSA CHAPTER UNAIR. 

Sharing Alumni is back with an upgraded and fresh concept😊

Sharing Alumni adalah program kerja dari Alumni Affairs ILSA CHAPTER UNAIR yang merupakan wadah bagi para Alumni ILSA untuk dapat membagikan pengalaman serta ilmunya.

Topik: How to Write CV and Essay to Get Scholarship

1. Alika Cahyaningtyas (LPDP Awardee 2017 : Seoul National University). 

2. Annida Aqiila Putri  
- Exchange Student at Leiden University 2019-2020
- UES 2021 - Law, Economics and Governance International Talent Scholarship 

Yuk dicatat tanggalnya!😉
Sabtu, 1 Mei 2021
08.30 WIB - Selesai 
Zoom Meeting (Link Menyusul)
 FREE dan terbuka untuk umum !!!

Benefit :
◻️E-certificate ber SKP

We are excited to meet you, see you at the webinar!!! 

Panitia Sharing Alumni 2021

Diana : 081334967928 (Whatsapp) atau 
Kirana : 082131243218 (Whatsapp)

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