🏛Reachig our dream career requires hardwork & efforts with adequate preparation, knowledge, and experience. Adjustments in social institutions and businesses become a challenge for youths today, as well as the tight level of competition and many chose to discontinue or fail to reach their dream career because they don’t understand how to get & step their game in facing these challenges.
🌎 Al Sharq Youth Indonesia Hub brings you to the webinar
🎖 Skills Up!: Career Enhancement Program🎖
Provide information, tips & tricks from competent and experienced professional sources:
February 5th, 2021
👨🏻 🏫 Andra Donatta (Personal Development Coach)
🫂 "Mastering Interpersonal & Intrapersonal Skills"
February 12th, 2021
👨🏻 🏫 Arih Budi Utomo (Executive Director tantowi Yahya, Public Speaking School & Founder Ideas Consulting)
👤 "HR & Leadership Skills"
February 19th, 2021
👨🏻 🏫 Dinar A. Hadi (Writer and Trainer)
🗣️ "Public Speaking Skills for Millenials"
February 26th, 2021
👩🏻 🏫 Weni Pebriani (Knowledge Promoter)
👥 "Networking Skills"
F R E E (Open For Public)
📝 Register yourself now in http://bit.ly/SkillsUpASYID
💻 Zoom
⏰19:00-21:00WIB (GMT +7)
- Full practical insights and knowledge from the Experts
- Live Q&A session
- Speaker's presentation material
- E-certificates for CV
- Networking
“The youths of today are the leaders of tomorrow” 🇮🇩🤩