🔔 *[ISC Grand Webinar]* 🔔
Hello, Fellas!🙋♂️🙋♀️
Every year in Indonesia, we celebrate events on 28th October and 10th November. Those events are name “Hari Sumpah Pemuda” (Youth Pledge Day) and “Hari Pahlawan” (Heroes’ Day). Because of those events, International Studies Club (ISC) decided to make a 3-day Webinar to celebrate the events. The reasoning behind this is also the fact that today youths would be the future leaders of Indonesia and therefore they should create a significant impact on Indonesia while at the same time could be the role model of society and future generations. Their leadership skill should also be reinforce with a significant awareness to any issues surroundings regional and international territory that in return would be a great provision to Indonesian youths for their nation-building within Indonesia or even The World.
Therefore, International Studies Club proudly present our Grand Webinar:👇👇
💥“Menjadi Pahlawan Pembangunan Masa Kini” (Becoming the Heroes of Development in current era), “Peran Penting Pemuda Menyambut Indonesia Emas 2045” (Youth Roles to Welcome Indonesia Golden Age 2045), and “Berdiri di Depan, Menjadi Teladan” (Standing In Front, Became Role-Model).💥
🗣 *Speaker:*
1. Choirul Anam (current coordinator of Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia se-Dunia)
2. Lady Diandra (Focal point of Youth Co:Lab UNDP Indonesia)
3. Mahendra Arfan Azhar (Head of Sub-directorate for Department of Sport in Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia).
4. Rizka Nafi’a (current leader of AIESEC in UIN Jakarta
5. Sulthan Rivandi (Head of Student Executive Board in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah 2019-2020)
6. Manik Marganamahendra (Head of Student Executive Board in Universitas Indonesia 2019-2020)
👤 *Moderator:*
1. Ridha Alamsyah Y. (Founder and Executive Director of Law Connection)
2. Andi Ayu F. A. (Vice President of ISC)
3. Muhammad Naser E. H. (Founder & President of DYPLO)
*It will be held on:*
🖥️ Zoom Application
📆 Friday - Sunday, 6th – 8th November 2020
🕗 07.00 PM (GMT +7)
📞Bahdin +62 852-1138-5184
📞Faiz +62 852-7223-7024
For registration link:🔖